Listen To Blog Post The Purpose of The Simplicity Lifestyle is to Create a Joyful Life that aligns with Our Core Values and is Simple, Creative, Productive, Meaningful, and Fulfilling. The Basics Of The Simplicity Lifestyle are... -Minimalism... Less is more because if We’re happier with less it takes less to make Us happy. -Health... Physical health, mental health, emotional health, and financial health. -Passion... Create a Goal that aligns with Core Values, make an actionable plan by having smaller sub goals that will lead to the main Goal, and take action by accomplishing one sub goal at a time until the ultimate Goal is reached. An entrepreneur is someone who has an Idea and who works to create a Product or Service that people want and will buy, as well as a Business to support that effort. An entrepreneur takes on most of the risk and initiative for their new Business but they also get most of the reward. They get to call the shots. There’s something new and exciting ...