Simply Enjoying Life On a Budget

Listen To Blog Post “By removing the physical distractions around us, we’re able to look inside ourselves and begin the process of mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual decluttering.” - “Love People Use Things” by The Minimalists We could give All of Our possessions away and only live off what Our body needs to survive, but that’s not really living. Everyone has different definitions about what “living the good life” looks like. “The question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life.” - “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo Personally I enjoy eating healthy food, taking naps, and going for walks in nature. I aspire to living a calm and deliberate life with a little spontaneity sprinkled here and there. “ Simplicity is the Key if We want to live a life that is joyful and free!” - “The Simplicity Lifestyle” by Ted Wind If I asked my Wife and Daughter what their ideal daily lives look like I ...