Simply Overcoming Adversity

“A happy, healthy mind is the most important aspect of our overall health.” 

-“52 Small Changes for the Mind” by Brett Blumenthal

Life can be difficult, at times, for Everyone. 

Everyone experiences pain and everyone struggles. 

Everyone feels lost and has baggage, especially the older We get. 

Those hard times are a huge part of who We are, but Our hard times aren’t the only part, and they aren’t the part that matters most. We’re more than the pain We’re carrying. We have so much more to offer than Our wounds.  That being said, to survive adversity We must be creative with Our solutions.

“I am not my thoughts, emotions, sense perceptions, and experiences. I am not the content of my life. I am Life. I am the space in which all things happen. I am consciousness. I am the Now. I Am.” 

-“Stillness Speaks” by Eckhart Tolle

Our perspectives on life shape Our thoughts, attitudes, decisions and ultimately Our actions. More often than not We are viewing things not as they actually are, but as We perceive them.  

As We open Ourselves to the world in new ways, We realize that there are so many ways to live life and We can adopt a new way of seeing, one that can help Us to move on. 

Sometimes all We need is a fresh perspective, a creative outlook.  If contentment and happiness are Our goals and measures of success simplicity and Minimalism are important. 

Minimalism is a style or technique of living that is characterized by only having what is essential and brings value to Our lives. 

Happiness is a state of well-being and contentment. I didn’t have much when I was a kid but I was usually happy because every day brought new challenges and experiences, variety is truly the spice of life.  

Freedom is also very important to creativity.  Freedom is having the ability to act or change without constraints. Someone is free if they can change easily and they are not constrained in their present state. When We are free to do whatever projects We want to at any time it’s very difficult to not feel extremely appreciative and grateful.  To feel free it is also important to not continually ruminate on the past or worry about the future.  Being truly and mindfully in the moment is very freeing.  

Sometimes it’s almost impossible to be in the moment because We just have too much to do.  Our “To Do Lists” keep popping up in Our thoughts.  The ability to get things done simply and effectively is a great skill to have because it frees up time and Our minds so We can work on what truly matters.

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small, manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.”

-“Getting Things Done” by David Allen

Our time and energy are Our most valuable assets, and We only have a limited amount each day, so I’ve learned ways to save my time and energy.  

If doing a thing only takes three minutes I just do it, like cleaning a dish after I use it.  If I can automate a thing, like paying the mortgage, I do it because it gives me more time. 

If a thing takes longer than three minutes and I don’t need to do it right away, like doing my laundry, I write it down in my notepad and defer it until a later date when I can plan and I have ample time to do it, usually on the weekends.  

Lastly, if I can’t do a thing, usually because of my disabilities, like re-grouting the shower, I delegate to my Wife, Daughter, or a Professional.  

These four simple tricks to getting things done have been extremely helpful in freeing me up so I can work on the truly important stuff, like writing this book.  Success is the attainment of a favorable or desired outcome, but the journey to that outcome is more important than reaching Our goal.  

Mastery is the possession or display of great skill or technique. 

Mastery is only meaningful if it took sacrifice to reach it.  Skill is the ability to use one’s knowledge effectively and readily in execution or performance.  

Knowledge is only gained through failing Our ways to success. (Just remember that if We never give up We’ll never fail) 

I’m the happiest when I’m using My skills to help others, it’s what brings Me joy.  I’m compelled to share My hard earned knowledge with anyone who is willing and ready to hear.  Ability is the physical and mental power to do a task.  

Over the last five years My abilities have changed considerably, but adversity has forced Me to be creative and adapt.  

When the rules of The Game change it is up to Us to learn the new rules and master The New Game.  

Then it is up to Us to share with the world what We have learned in the hopes that someone may get value from it.  

We all have problems that We have solved using Our creativity.  It is time for Us to look in the mirror and ask Ourselves what problems can We help others with. I have a notebook where I write down ideas and insights that I have throughout the day, it truly doesn’t matter how incredible, insightful, ridiculous, or silly they may be. Some of my strangest and silliest ideas were actually very valuable when looked at from a different perspective.

“What is the ONE Thing I can do such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”

-“The One Thing” by Gary Keller

When We continually work on a goal things start to come into focus and suddenly it all just falls into place! Remember to stay flexible and be prepared to pivot more than once. Don’t let fear of not reaching the goal keep you from trying. 

Scientists love failure because it means something can be learned. If We treat Our goals like this We can literally “fail Our way to success!” 

Personally I love failing gloriously, and learning immensely!

I share content with others in the hope that others will find value and can use My creative solutions to solve their own problems. 

Four Simple Steps To Worthwhile and valuable Content Creation Are…

-Observe a problem

Be here and now. Identify that there’s a problem and a change needs to take place.

“I’m living paycheck to paycheck and I’m stressed out about money. I’m not cool with living like this.”

-Understand the problem

Look deeper, do the research, and simplify your findings.

“What actions do I need to take to get off this treadmill? Time to do a lot of research about saving money, investing, and creating true wealth.”

-Fix the problem

Create a goal, make a plan, and take action.

“My goal is to decrease the amount of money I spend on liabilities and expenses and increase my income producing assets and assets that gain in value over time until I am financially independent. Time to make a budget and start a Side Hustle so I can invest!”

-Share with others how the problem can be solved

Sharing valuable information and insights with others is one of the most important things we can do in life. 

We’re All in the same boat together so we may as well help each other out.

“I blog about ways to simplify Our lives and become wealthy and financially independent and post on All of my social media sites about the problem and the actions I took to solve the problem!”

We are all immortalized by the value We share through Our creative solutions to Life’s  many difficulties.  

“The Journey is more important than the Goal because it’s during our Journey that we learn and grow! 

Learning and growing is what Life is really about.”

-“Living The Simplicity Lifestyle” by Ted Wind

In life We can be greatly rewarded for the adversity We have had to overcome and the creative solutions We gained, because value is valuable!


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