Contribution Is Possible Through Simplicity

“By removing the physical distractions around us, we’re able to look inside ourselves and begin the process of mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual decluttering.”

-“Love People Use Things” by The Minimalists

How can We begin to make choices today that will help ourselves, our loved ones, our communities, and Our world? 

The answer is simple. 

We donate Our time, energy, and money to solving problems and sharing solutions.  

Living a simple minimalistic lifestyle makes it much easier to give because We can have more time, energy, and excess money.  

When I was younger and had all of my basic needs for survival met it was much easier to give my time and energy. The first time I volunteered I volunteered at a Daycare and as a Math Tutor, I was thirteen years old.  The reason I volunteered my precious video game playing time was because I got into some trouble at school.  The punishment for my stupidity was one hundred hours of volunteering.  I thought I was going to hate it, but to my surprise I actually enjoyed every minute.  I enjoyed the challenge of trying to keep toddlers engaged in an activity and trying to make math relatable to sixth graders that thought math was a waste of time.  

I also got offered paid babysitting jobs, because the parents said their kids loved me.  Through word of mouth those jobs somehow helped me get a job assisting in the training of two purebred show dogs.  Then that job led to getting paid good money to house sit while the owners were not in town.  

The point is, it all started with volunteering and just being myself.  During my High School Senior year I volunteered as a local Crisis Line Operator, little did I know that a Crisis Line would save my life twenty years later.  During my volunteering I realized something about myself, I wanted to help people.  

Later I would join the Army as a Health Care Specialist and become a Security Officer at a hospital after that.

“This is the beautiful secret of minimalism: It may seem like it’s about stuff, but once you’ve cut through the clutter and adopted a new frame of mind, you learn that it’s barely about ‘the stuff’ at all.” 

-“The Minimalist Way” by Erica Layne

At a young age I learned that contributing to Our community by volunteering is not only good for Our community but it’s also very good for Us.  

Before I met my Wife I was living as a bachelor in San Diego.  I had set things up so I no longer had to work a nine to five job.  At first I loved just hanging out doing nothing all day long, but doing nothing quickly got old.  A friend of mine suggested an online volunteering site where I could choose the time and the day and it would match me up to a volunteering gig.  It was a lot of fun and I met a lot of cool people.  I also got into the habit of donating my plasma once a month and since I didn’t need the twenty dollars they paid I would buy twenty dollars worth of canned food and donate it to the food bank.  Every time I dropped those cans off at the food bank I would feel great.  I’m not saying other people should do this, because it is a bit extreme, but there is a wonderful feeling We get when We contribute by donating Our time, energy, and money to Our community.  

Now I’m no longer capable of volunteering because every thirty minutes of standing, walking, or sitting I have to lay on my back for an hour or two and I can’t donate my blood or plasma because of the medication I’m on.  I do try to donate to Our Church, whether it be excess canned food We didn’t eat, clothing We no longer use, or a couple of dollars We don’t really need, whenever possible and if I see a fellow Veteran that needs help I try to help them get to where they need to be.  

Last year I helped a homeless Veteran buy a bus ticket to another State and food for the trip because he had family and friends there.  He made it safely and was extremely thankful, and I felt really good about helping him.  He told me over the phone that he was volunteering at his church trying to help other homeless veterans.  

Sometimes small kindnesses and just a little bit of help can have a huge and lasting impact on people.  Like a pebble being dropped into the middle of a pond the ripples can spread to All the edges.  

This is why We have that small voice urging Us to help one another.  Those inner voices of Our Hearts and Souls are guiding Us to where We’re meant to be. We must listen closely, and follow their Lead. 

We don’t need a lot of money, energy, or time if We want to contribute and help.  All We need is intelligently placed intentional action.  If We think a thing is possible it will be, given the right amount of planning and action.  

“The greatest thing We can do in Life is help Others.”

-“The Dreamer and The Dream Catcher” by Ted Wind 

We’re all on this rock together and it’s ultimately up to Us how We want to live on this rock together.  It All starts with Us, so let’s donate to causes that inspire Us, no cause is too small or trivial and All donations matter! 


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