The Simple Secret To Simply Enjoying Life

“All big things come from small beginnings. The seed of every habit is a single, tiny decision. But as that decision is repeated, a habit sprouts and grows stronger. Roots entrench themselves and branches grow. The task of breaking a bad habit is like uprooting a powerful oak within us. And the task of building a good habit is like cultivating a delicate flower one day at a time.” 

-“Atomic Habits” by James Clear

What We truly are cannot be named. It is that which exists before everything else. That which transcends time. The eternal one. The blank canvas upon which Our life unfolds. Until awakening, in one way or another, We are always running through Our lives.  Running towards something We want, or away from something We don't want. We run and run and run and so it's no surprise that life often seems exhausting.  

Until We recognize this habit We are always trapped by the two extremes of desire and fear, and no matter how much We can justify Our behavior, We are still running from moment to moment, experience to experience, just looking for the next dopamine rush.  There is much more to life than that.  

Our fears cannot protect Us and Our desires cannot lead Us to happiness. Only a loving relationship with Ourselves and then all beings will serve Us and bring a life that has true value.  

We deserve to be happy and content.  We have every right to be joyful.  It is okay for Us to be calm, peaceful, and loving.  We have permission to be Ourselves.  

We no longer have to judge, complain, or compete.  We no longer have to worry or fear.  

Remember that other people’s reactions don’t discount the importance and validity of Our experiences. If We reach out to someone and they say something that makes Us feel rejected, invalidated, or unheard, it doesn’t mean that what We are struggling with is wrong or that Our feelings are misplaced. It doesn’t mean We shouldn’t have opened up or that it’s all in Our heads. All it means is that this one person didn’t have the capacity or emotional intelligence to sit with Us in Our struggle. It might mean they don’t have personal experience or practice to be able to know what to say. It might mean they felt helpless or overwhelmed.  It could even mean they just aren’t one of Our tribe, and that’s okay. 

Not everyone is going to be able to hold Our pain with Us. Most don’t know because they can’t even hold their own. And that isn’t Our weight to carry.  We deserve to take up space and voice Our experience. We deserve to process the pain inside Our heads and reach out. Even if other people don’t get it.  Even if someone thinks it’s silly or wrong.  

Even if We don’t know anyone else who feels the way We do, we feel what We feel and the things that are hard for Us are the things that are hard for Us. And no matter what that looks like for anyone else, Our experiences are valid. Other people don’t get to dictate the legitimacy of Our struggle. We don’t have to shrink or stay silent. We don’t have to beat Ourselves up.  

We just have to find Our people, Our tribe. We have to trust the validity of Our own experiences, and even when it feels untrue, We have to trust that no one can take away what’s real for Us. We know Our truth.  We live it and breathe it everyday, and that’s powerful, it is enough! 

“Non attachment is not an apathetic mindset rather it refers to seeing everything from a broader perspective and appreciating All manifestations without becoming attached to a particular One.”

-“The Dreamer Awakens” by Ted Wind

When all of that useless negativity falls away what remains is Our true nature.  Our true nature is naturally pure, loving, and divine.  It is unaffected by the trials and tribulations of life.  It is untouched by emotion, pain, and suffering.  It simply remains still in a vast ocean of infinite calm.  

We are naturally peaceful and intensely aware.  When We become silent We can reconnect with Our sweet essence and reveal the love that is Our true selves.  So, how do We become Joy in the eternal moment?  

We Stop being Our biggest critics.  

We Stop comparing Ourselves to others.  

We Stop expecting too much of others.  

We stop multitasking and working too hard.  

We Stop ruminating about the past.  

We Stop worrying about the future.  

We let Ourselves be happier.  

We stay in touch with Our family and friends.  

We have the courage to express Our feelings.  

It’s time to have the courage to live a life true to Ourselves, not the life others expected of Us. 

“It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it. Life is long enough, and a sufficiently generous amount has been given to us for the highest achievements if it were all well invested.”

-“Things That Matter” by Joshua Becker

It’s time to live a life with purpose, priority, and productivity.  

It’s time to start being truly present in the moment and be Mindful not Mind Full.  

It’s time to make time for the unexpected joys that show up in the most ordinary places.  

It’s time to let Ourselves be overwhelmed by just how happy the soul can be over the most seemingly insignificant things. 

We are worthy of this kind of living! 

Our lives can be much more free, less stressful, less chaotic, more under control, simpler, and much easier. 

“Mindfulness may be more completely understood as being present with clarity, wisdom, and kindness.” 

-“Practicing Mindfulness” by Matthew Sockolov

It’s difficult in the beginning, but it gets easier and easier, like a snowball growing in size as it rolls down a hill.  

This is the only life we are guaranteed so We need to make the most of it and strive to reach our potential!  

It’s time to set up a routine that Our future selves will be proud of!


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